My Namaste Dost Blog
Namaste – vedic sanskrit word – the sacred in me recognises the sacred in you
Dost – Hindi word for friend
Bed-Time Routine
Stretching can have a positive effect on our sleeping pattern by easing our nervous system and helping us control our breathing. In keeping with our vision of a holistic bed and breakfast in Oxford here are some simple suggestions which will help you relax your body...
Holistic Wake – Up Routine
Having an amazing morning routine is one of the best things we can do in our life. If we get really good at morning routines, we'll experience a huge shift in the way our day flows. Getting into the habit of spending 5 minutes doing the simple stretches suggested...
Namaste Dost – Greeting
Today during my morning run I realised that now, more than ever before I need to reach out to my fellow beings. I have a deep urge to be of use to everyone I meet, be it in my real or virtual world. My simple prayer to the Universe is, "bless me into usefulness"....