Namaste Dost
Namaste – vedic sanskrit word – the sacred in me recognises the sacred in you
Dost – Hindi word for friend
My Quotes

My Poetry
Movement of Life
Movement of Life Life is a movement, a series of events, In constant ebb and flow. Watch, there it goes… Subtle, gentle, perfumed and renewed, Harsh, violent, destructive and diffused. Earth it burns, revives and restores, Water it gushes, destroys and heals, Air it...
Birds Chirping SO OM
Early morn, pure hour, Cold, crisp, clear dawn, The world sleeps, silence invites, Tranquil time to reflect, Undisturbed space to awaken, The Body, the Mind, the Soul. In the quiet before daybreak, The birds call out, They sing harmoniously to each other, In the...
Washing up Musings
In the midst of the clanking, the swishing and the splashing, Washing, scrubbing and scratching, Hot soapy water aiding the cleaning, My restless mind fails to fathom the meaning. Days, weeks, months & years have passed, I stand by the sink my patience surpassed,...
From a very young age I have been searching for the purpose of life – Namaste dost is part of this journey.
What is life and what is it to be?
To know that is not for me!
Thoughts & Silence
Thoughts, stem of inner conflict, Fact, or figment of imagination? Illusion, or creation of the mind? Swayed by outside influence? Thoughts, reoccurring and endless, Throwing us passionately from pillar to post, Hurtling us in a volcano of passions galore, Rendering...
What Did The Tree Say To Me?
What do you remember as you stay and surrender, Grasping the soil and metals so tender, Your sturdy roots reach the core of the earth, Imploring us all to know your worth. Your branches extend in all directions, Always maintaining a seamless connection. You...
Butterfly On A Rock
“Injury,” thought the butterfly As she circled the hard rock, “I’m fragile, I’m light, I’m delicate, The rock looks stiff and unbreakable, Landing on the rock will hurt me”!