What Did The Tree Say To Me?

What Did The Tree Say To Me?

What do you remember as you stay and surrender, Grasping the soil and metals so tender, Your sturdy roots reach the core of the earth, Imploring us all to know your worth.   Your branches extend in all directions, Always maintaining a seamless connection. You...
Butterfly On A Rock

Butterfly On A Rock

“Injury,” thought the butterfly As she circled the hard rock, “I’m fragile, I’m light, I’m delicate, The rock looks stiff and unbreakable, Landing on the rock will hurt me”! “Stunning,” thought the hard rock, Watching the butterfly flutter, “I have energy, I have...
Bed Time Meditation

Bed Time Meditation

After a busy day when all our senses have been stimulated to the maximum, finding half an hour before bed-time to re-set is imperative to a good night’s sleep. Dim lights and soft meditation music will help you to get into your Zen space. Use diffusers, this...
Bed-Time Routine

Bed-Time Routine

Stretching can have a positive effect on our sleeping pattern by easing our nervous system and helping us control our breathing. In keeping with our vision of a holistic bed and breakfast in Oxford here are some simple suggestions which will help you relax your body...
Holistic Wake – Up Routine

Holistic Wake – Up Routine

Having an amazing morning routine is one of the best things we can do in our life. If we get really good at morning routines, we’ll experience a huge shift in the way our day flows. Getting into the habit of spending  5 minutes doing the simple stretches...